Sunday, September 28, 2008

That Peaceful, Easy Feeling

Islam is a religion of peace.

If you're naive and believe this mistranslation in light of daily headlines that scream the contrary, then you may close this window now and pick up a copy of your favorite daily Dead Fish Wrapper (I'd recommend the NY Times, suitable for cat boxes, bird cages, and lighting camp fires). Or perhaps you'd feel more at home with the National Enquirer on your lap.

The correct translation, which President Bush miscommunicated to the American people in his nationally televised address on 9/11/01 (whether this was a deliberate act or not, I do not know), is submission, not peace. As long as you submit to Allah or Mohammed or some turbaned hate-spouting fool, you're alright in their book.

Peaceful Muslims might take me to task for saying theirs is not a religion of peace. I would remind them that the Quran states that true Muslims are to take jihad to the enemy in three increasing stages. We in the West are now in the crosshairs of their third and final stage, which is one of judgment and death, since we apparently have ignored the first two warnings. Those who stole airliners and slammed them into buildings, for example, killing thousands of innocents in the process, were the true Muslims according to the Quran.

No "good Muslim" is peace-loving. This is neither an exaggeration nor a misstatement.

Late last year (2007), for several days, a Jewish high holiday overlapped a Muslim high holiday. During this period of time, the crowd on the left "celebrated" with more than seventy-five deaths, most of whom were fellow peace-lovers. The infidel Jew on the right did nothing other than earned a Nobel Prize in chemistry.

Note how the gentlemen on the left are clearly experiencing the joy and love of Allah, while the lowly Jew is wasting every civilized human's time by expanding the horizons of knowledge. Had he had a brain, clearly he would have been destroying life rather than trying to save it.



funlovinfilly said...

Great title. You have a knack for titles.

The sad thing about your blog is that it is 100% true. You cannot use the word peace and Islam in the same sentence. It is what it is. A hateful cult of mislead fools. How can they not see the error of their ways?

I have heard that there are many conversions from Islam to Christianity in recent years. I pray this will continue for their sake as well as the sake of the entire world.

St0rmChaser said...

What religion keeps their devotees by threats of murder, even by their own family members? It's chilling.

You're right about conversions to Christ. Many in the deepest, darkest strongholds of Islam are coming to Christ through amazing dreams! We could use that here as well to address our atheist problem.